Our juries

Nicolas Constantinou

Swen Fischer

Neslihan Schmidt

Felipe Valério

Francesca Vidal
Jury guidelines
- The jurors are organised according to the jury plan.
- Each age group is assessed by its own jury.
- Each jury consists of four jurors, one chairperson and one assistant.
- Each juror, included the chairperson has the same single voting right.
- The assistant has no voting right.
- The task of the jury is to assess the interpretive skills of each participant in the competition, and to award titles and prizes to the best candidates.
- The jury acts on the basis of the competition rules and the provisions of the present rules of the competition.
- The artistic director appoints and dismisses the members of the Jury, as well as its chairperson.
- The chairperson is nominated by the direction of the competition
- The duties of the chairperson include presiding over the jury’s work, moderating the jury conferences and controlling the results.
- The chairperson shall have the same single voting right as each juror
- During their first meeting the jurors will elect a vice-chairperson from the jury.
- In case of the chairman’s absence, the vice-chairperson will take over his/her responsibilities.
- The director and the artistic director are present at the jury meetings, even when they are not chairpersons.
- If formal dissent arises that cannot be resolved by the jury itself, the competition director shall be consulted.
- Each voting round lasts 17 days and is divided into
- an upload period of 10 days, whenhe participants can upload their recordings. Within this period the jurors may watch the contributions, as soon as they are submitted
- a voting period of 7 days, when the jurors have access to all submitted contributions. Each juror votes within the voting period (with no time constraints.
- The voting is based on a 100 point system
- The juror must insert his votes directly into the website
- The jurors are requested to award points to all participating candidates as follows: Points shall be given on a scale from 1 to 100 where 100 is the best score
- 90-100: Excellent performance
- 80-90: Very good performance
- 70-80: Good performance
- 60-70: Satisfactory performance
- 50-60: Average performance
- 1-50: Poor performance
- It is possible to give the same number of points to more than one candidate.
- All single votings remain secret. Each Juror has read and write access only for his own votes.
- The juror can change his inserted votes as often as he/she wants until the beginning of the jury conference
- The website will use the given points to calculate the foundation for the jury conference
- an average vote
- the standard deviation, which shows how big the differences between the the single votes are
- a list of the contributions, which is sorted descending by the standard deviation
- At the end of each judging period, there will be an online conference of all jury members
- The jury conferences will take place following the conference plan
- The deliberation on the individual contributions follows the ranking of the standard deviation,. In this way contributions with big voting differences will be discussed first
- At the end of the conference all jurors will have a last opportunity to adjust their votings.
- Since each participant will play in all rounds, irrespectively of the achieved pints, the results during the ongoing competition will be presented as tiers. This is to keep the spirits of all participants high,
- The tiers are based on the average votes
- first prize (90-100)
- second prize (80 - 90)
- third prize (70 - 80)
- promotional award (60-70)
- successful participation (50- 60)
- participation (below 50)
- Each juror is invited to write short notes/comments about the assessed recordings.
- At the end of all rounds, the chairperson will compose all jurycreate a short feedback textcreate a freedback text from all these comments, which can be requested by the participant.
- The work of the jurys will take place hidden from the public gaze.
- Discussions and comments about contributions and votings may take place only within the jury itself or with the direction of the competition.
- Every juror undertakes to keep secret any and all information referring to thevotings, during and beyond the time period of the competition.